Heartsender Version V5 image LETTER

Heartsender Version V5 image LETTER Heartsender Version V5 image LETTER Dark and Light Theme Multi Email List For every category QR with multi size Embedded Image Html to image Sending Speed improved with threads zip Attachment Improved and very easy to use GUI Multiple proxies Allowed Multi From Email with Letter Multiple SMTP SUPPORT Allowed…

Heartsender V5 with QR Code

Heartsender V5 with QR Code Heartsender V5 with QR Code 1-Dark and Light Theme 2- Multi Email List For every category 2- QR with multi size 3- Embedded Image 4- Html to image 5- Sending Speed improved with threads 6- zip Attachment 7- Improved and very easy to use GUI 8- Multiple proxies Allowed 9-…

HeartSender V5 Complete Video | HeartSender V5

HeartSender V5 Complete Video HeartSender V5 Complete Video: 1-Dark and Light Theme 2- Multi Email List For every category 2- QR with multi size 3- Embedded Image 4- Html to image 5- Sending Speed improved with threads 6- zip Attachment 7- Improved and very easy to use GUI 8- Multiple proxies Allowed 9- Multi From…